I know I've been promising my book—Instant Athlete, Instant Zone—forever. I'm like the boy who cried 'Wolf.' No one believes me any more since none of my predicted release dates ever came through. But I'm delighted to FINALLY announce that my book is now ready for prime time.
I'm extremely proud of this book and I think the knowledge contained within it will revolutionize how sports are taught, practiced, and competed.
If you play sports, you will definitely enjoy this book. And it won't matter what sport you play or how good you are. You could even be a top pro. Whatever your situation I promise this book will make you even better. That's because it reveals the secret to peak performance and playing from the Zone.
The video describing my book is at www.InstantAthlete.com.
P.S. Please direct your athletic friends to that website. They will surely thank you.
I look forward to your feedback.
Hi Fred,
I'm glad you finally posted again! I know you are "lazy", but I hope you don't wait another year before your next post. :-)
The video is intriguing. The book seems almost too good to be true but, since you wrote it, I know it will be a breakthrough - something that nobody thinks about but, after they learn it, will seem obvious and make perfect sense.
Posted by: Praveen Puri | April 02, 2012 at 09:14 AM
Enjoying your new book quite a bit, and taking the lessons to the tennis court for the first time this weekend. Can't wait! ;)
Posted by: Juho | May 18, 2012 at 03:31 AM