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Nerio Vakil

Waiting for "scene 2"!


Entrepreneur = "someone who will do absolutely anything to avoid getting a job". I love this and I'm going to put it on my desk :-) Excellent stuff, keep it up!

Maharishi Akademie Black Forest Dieter & Edith Junk

Hi Fred,
all the beautiful memories come up when I read
a story like this. Remember when you were in
the Black Forest (tiniest academy of the world) and talked about all your beautiful
stories about Maharishi and all your personal
experiences. I cannot get enough of your
exciting way of looking at things. People
often ask when you will come back. One man
called recently and said he is willing to
get initiated after he has seen you live!

Maharishi Akademie Black Forest Dieter & Edith Junk

Hi Fred,
all the beautiful memories come up when I read
a story like this. Remember when you were in
the Black Forest (tiniest academy of the world) and talked about all your beautiful
stories about Maharishi and all your personal
experiences. I cannot get enough of your
exciting way of looking at things. People
often ask when you will come back. One man
called recently and said he is willing to
get initiated after he has seen you live!

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