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Mark Rolfson

In nature, what humans call laziness might translate to "conservation of energy," a key survival principle. Bill Mollison, who teaches the concepts of Permaculture (design principles of sustainable land use in harmony with nature)said it well: "Work is pollution." If you embrace that idea, you begin to see that effort must be efficient and purposeful, or it is simply waste.

Berlin Brown

I am actually trying to practice. And, just from honest real world experience. This plan, really, really works. Here is why. Nobody is going to ask you "What are you doing, right now!", "What did you accomplish". Most will just look at what needs to be done, is it done? When will it be done? If I say something should take a week. Who came up with this metric? I think the workaholic(me included sometimes) will try to do it 3 days and will probably make mistakes and then be mad for working so hard but basically moving backwards in reaching the goal. But, let us say it takes 3 weeks, well now, you calm down because you are more focused as opposed to rushed. Some will wonder why you are taking so long, others will think you are perfectings something.

This blog is interesting. I will learn some more tricks and get back to you.

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supra for boy

This is all very new to me and this article really opened my eyes.Thanks for sharing with us your wisdom.

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